Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Fall For The Sleazy Seducers

Good advice in both personal and business life, yet I have fallen victim in both places, desperately wanting something too good to be true. The most recent one really should have been obvious, yet I willingly gave away $150 to these sleazy scammers and would have given them a kidney too if they had asked for it. I like to think that I'm normally not as stupid as this action would make me appear to be.
The perpetrator was Cat Mails, a Get Paid To Read mail program promising $200 per mail. To get reimbursed after amassing $50,000 they claimed that all you needed to do was send them a $150 processing fee. It sounded fishy, but I so much wanted it to be true. I had "amassed" $150,000 working for them. That could get me out of debt and pay off my mortgage. Even though it sounded hokey, I gave them the $150.
That was in October. It is now February. Do you think I've ever seen that money? Would I not be singing the praises of Cat Mails if I had?
The owner of Cat Mails is based in China. They won't be prosecuted in the US for defrauding people. I can slam them on a moral level all I want for taking advantage of people's desperation. But the fact remains the same: my $150 is gone for good and I gave it to them willingly.
The only ones of these "get paid to read" mail programs that are honest pay so little that it probably really doesn't make any sense to join. Anyone saying that they pay enormous amounts of money is a scammer. You will never see that money except in your dreams.
Desperation makes people behave foolishly and these con artists know it. DO NOT FALL FOR THE GET PAID TO READ MAIL SCAMS!!! You will spend your valuable time and possibly valuable dollars for nothing. You will never kill your job using this method, but the owners of these sleazy companies may kill your bank account if you fall for their false promises.