Sunday, July 27, 2008

Debt Help Affiliate Websites

Folks, you get $75 just for signing up to be an affiliate. No catch, no joke, it's all free! You just have to promote it and earn commissions.

Untitled Document

How To Explode Your Affiliate Earnings


Any Cash needed? NO

Any Risk: NO

Appropriate for: Newbies, Intermediate, And Advanced


Dear Affiliate Marketer ,

As an affiliate marketer, you are looking for the best way you can create massive ongoing income for you that takes as little time as possible.

Ideally, you can invest a couple of minutes and get paid on it for years.

Learn more by continuing here:

Make Money Giving Away Free Money Making Websites

All you need to do is log in to your account, and let people know about how they can get their own Cash-Pulling Websites.

They are valued at $2,079, but they can get them for nothing for a very limited time.

You make cash when:

1) A person gets a website and upgrades to have their own domain

2) A person upgrades their training materials

3) A webmaster refers their affiliates/customers/visitors to get their own co-branded review sites. You make a 2nd tier commission based on the lifetime commissions of the webmaster you referred.

Sign up right now and get started making some cash!

Make Money Giving Away Free Money Making Websites

To your success!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Shout-Outs

The Cheesemeister Cosmos has a page featuring yours truly! Check it out!
I'd also like to tell you about a new traffic exchange. Magic Blaster Hits features both a manual and auto-surf. Many folks think that autosurfs are useless, but they do increase your hit count which is sometimes favorable when you are signing up for affiliate programs. I actually do look at some of the sites on the autosurfs when I am working with my traffic exchanges. I open 4 traffic exchanges at a time in my Firefox browser and then I go from tab to tab. Obviously with a manual traffic exchange you will see each featured site and must click (or in the case of some of the newer traffic exchanges, hover over) a button to continue to the next site. The autosurf keeps on truckin' to the next site in the meantime. In many ways manual exchanges are preferable but autosurfs are not without their uses. At any rate, Magic Blaster Hits features both. You get 5 URL's, 5 468x60 banners, 5 mini banners and 5 text links as a free member. Pretty nice!
I also wanted to tell my guy friends out there about a company that features natural products for men's health concerns. Check out their page, the Men's Health Zone. The strategically arranged banana and apples will make you laugh, but these products are serious formulations specifically created for the health concerns of men.
Yes, I am an affiliate and yes, I do make 5% off each sale. But guys, I would not be involved if I didn't believe in the kinds of products they sell. I am a firm believer in using natural methods whenever possible. Personally, I can't tolerate most prescription medications. The side effects make life quite miserable. I use natural methods for dealing with my hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, hypertension, and even bipolar disorder. And they do work as well as the prescriptions without the side effects. I've had to experiment with the dosages to find the right ones, but there really are natural methods that do work.
Guys, prescription medications for men's health problems such as erectile dysfunction and prostate issues come with some pretty scary side effects, just like most prescription medications. Sometimes these medications can't be avoided, but all of them are hard on the liver. Some of them can cause a radical drop in blood pressure. Some even have potential life-threatening effects, like stroke. So why not try something natural first? Check out the ingredients in the products and do a little research. I think you will find the ingredients to be very safe. Of course if you have any presenting health concerns, check with your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.
Affiliates, check for the link at the bottom of the page so you can benefit from sharing these products too.
Take care of yourselves.
To your health, happiness and prosperity,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Public service message: protect yourself

The Jobkiller is pretty zapped right now. I just want to give you a link to a website with helpful information about how to avoid being taken by scammers. I don't get anything except hopefully good karma for doing this. Because you can't have a prosperous life if you're being ripped off left and right!
Take care.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Best British Traffic Hacked

One of my favorite traffic exchanges, Best British Traffic, was hacked into and their database was destroyed. If you had been a member of Best British Traffic and can no longer log in, this is why. They have new security measures in place so this can't happen again.
Folks, The Jobkiller cannot abide hackers, scammers and b.s.-ers. The people who run Best British Traffic are decent, honest people and they run a nice exchange. If you are looking for a new exchange to advertise on, give them a go. A lifetime membership is only $14. They offered to re-upgrade me for free but I said I don't mind paying again because as a webmaster myself, I know that it takes a long time to build your site and then there are always hosting fees. That is such a small price for a lifetime and I think paying again in this case is just doing the right thing, at least for me.
Click the banner below to give them a try. I think you'll like them.
Have a prosperous day,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another "Best For Less" Traffic Exchange

Right now, AA Hits is offering a free lifetime Easy Hitter membership for new members. I upgraded to the Heavy Hitter membership. At $4.95 a month, this membership offers a Downline Emailer, 1000 bonus hits monthly, and a Surfing Ratio 1:3. You can promote up to 100 URL's.

You get 1000 banner impressions, and a Banner Ratio of 2:1. You can promote up to 100 banners.

You also get 70 monthly Text Link impressions. The Text Ratio is 2:1 and you can promote up to 100 Text links.

In addition, you get a downline builder for up to 25 programs and a link tracker section for up to 30 links.

I like getting a lot for a little, and AA Hits gives me that. Click the banner below to get your own account and get a lot for a little!