Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tim Linden Blog and Traffic Exchanges…indenblog/ Tim Linden is the owner of Start Xchange. If you use traffic exchanges, he certainly has the expertise to share.

Personally I'm a bit discouraged on the whole affiliate marketing thing right now so I haven't been using traffic exchanges. They aren't good for promoting things like fiction, although I will probably come back to using them for promoting the activist stuff.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Last Minute Gifts

It isn't too late to buy last minute gifts from the online store with many fine products available through Clickbank.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.


Just joined…arterlife/ Quarterlife, another community for artistic types

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Necessary Sacrifice

Two things prompted a decision that's been needing to come for a while. The first and more constructive one is advice that one person was giving another, but it actually had "me" written all over it. The advice was

"you should take a look at the absurd list of tasks you have created for yourself."

I did, and my list is indeed absurd. People with bipolar disorder have a tendency to do this kind of thing to themselves. We throw ourselves headlong into anything that seems like a good idea at the time without really thinking it through and then hate ourselves for failing.

My list includes working on my second book, tending to an official website and blogs and such to promote the first book, being the administrator for a new social network and Twitter-style microblog service for creative, esoteric, open-minded types, working a full time job, and going to school part time. The affiliate marketing was supposed to be a way to make extra money and for a while it was kind of fun even though the extra dough did not exactly roll in, but it's been more burden than fun for several months now.

The second factor that pushed the decision was actually a comment made by an anonymous LOSER on the Kill My Job blog at about how much my blog sucks. I happen to know this individual is a loser because of their cowardly hit-and-run anonymous comment and the fact that if they weren't a loser, they'd be too busy with their own life to be leaving cowardly hit and run comments. My response was admissibly juvenile as hell, and yet I must say, funny. It began with "By Satan's balls." Nuff said.

Not that I am kowtowing to anonymous Loser. Frankly, I could give a rat's butt if people think KMJ or any of my blogs/websites/projects suck. But the fact is, I don't have time to work on that blog. I'll continue to keep it as a repository for certain of my utters, but I'm not going to devote any time to it beyond that at this point. As of today, it is officially retired or on permanent vacation.

I will continue to promote certain of the affiliate products I discovered that I really like, such as the Ultimate Recipe Collection (…aterecipe/) through utters and Twitter, but am no longer going to make a concerted effort in the affiliate marketing field. What I've been doing is more than a touch too much. I need to concentrate on my literary and activist efforts, spreading the word about religious tolerance and better mental health care worldwide.

So if there's a lesson that I'd like to impart from this it's the old "to thine own self be true." If you're doing too many things, evaluate what really has meaning for you and then throw yourself into that wholeheartedly.

Thanks for "listening." Peace to you.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.


Check out the Ultimate Recipe Collection. Yum!…aterecipe/

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.


This is another great service for making Twitter work to bring viewers to your site. Free and easy to use.

View the video here to find out how it works.

Then check out my first TwitPwr URL to see it in action.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Learn How to use Safelists

Learn how to use safelists properly and profitably with the Email 2 Success program. Start with the free 5-day e-course and decide if upgrading to the full program is right for you.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

I'm Exploding

Explode is yet another service you can use to promote yourself and your work. Here is my profile.…ge/actions

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Be a WiFi Reseller

Find out how to be a WiFi reseller here.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chris Rempel Super Affiliate Advice

The Two Biggest Reasons Why Most People Will Never Make a Full-Time Income Online
by Chris Rempel

It all starts when some well-meaning (yet misdirected) person encourages a budding internet entrepreneur to "start in a niche they know alot about", or base their business around "something they're passionate about"...

As horrible as it may sound - they've unknowingly sent the hopeful entrepreneur down a path of false expectations, poor results and eventually - failure. In fact, the myth of "do what you love and the money will follow" has been responsible for more failure than likely any other influence - perhaps even more so than laziness or a lack of perseverance.

Because the simple truth of the matter is that the only way you're going to make real money on the net is if your business is based around two crucial things:

1) Large Demand

2) Buyers

In other words - you aren't going to get rich selling a $15 ebook about growing square watermelons - even though that might be a great passion of yours.

The demand just isn't there. Maybe there's a few searches a day on Google for the topic, and perhaps there's some interest in the online "gardening enthusiast" communities - but you'd be hard-pressed to make even a few hundred dollars a month from ebook sales.

Similarly, you also aren't going to have a particularly easy time getting rich by building websites about some seemingly "popular" topics like humor, jokes, funny pictures and so on. And while there are a few ways to "monetize" your site (with AdSense, CPA Offers, CPM Banners, etc.), it takes literally millions of website visitors to make even just a few thousand dollars in markets like that.

The demand is huge - but the visitor value is extremely low...

Instead, if you want to make it big online - pulling down an impressive six-figure income - you need to tap into markets with tons of demand, where the majority of the visitors are valuable.

You need to capture tons of traffic that wants to buy something. If you take this approach, you'd practically have to hijack your own order links (or affiliate links) not to make a sizeable income.

In fact - did you know that some affiliates make several thousand dollars daily just by promoting a single product in hot markets? (Just imagine what the merchant is making...)

In some markets there's actually so much demand that the vendors are quite literally selling over a thousand units - or more - per day. Digital products, with practically zero overhead/delivery cost.

But it all comes back to tapping into valuable demand. In most cases, it takes no extra effort or "skill" to market to a valuable market than it does to struggle along with something you're passionate about.

These two factors - demand and buying traffic - are what seperate the "wannabe" marketers from the millionaires. Because there's no real secret - you just need to sell what thousands of people are already buying.

The ball is now officially in your court. Are you tapping into markets with massive, valuable demand?

Or are you struggling to simply make a few dollars occasionally with a business that's based on your own passionate interests?


Chris Rempel, author of "Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate", reveals 5 of his most effective traffic strategies and niche-targeting tactics in full detail at

Sunday, December 14, 2008


The microblogs Twitter and Utterli are not only tools for keeping in touch with online friends, they are promotional tools. Some of you may already be using these.
For those who are new to microblogging or who haven't heard of the less well-known Utterli, you can post short messages, including links using these services. The easiest way is to sign up for both and then post your messages in Utterli and have it cross-post to Twitter so you don't have to type the same thing twice, as Utterli has this ability. You can also cross-post to Blogger, Flickr, You Tube, and I believe Word Pad or Type Pad and Live Journal, and you can link Utterli to your Facebook profile.
We can help each other by following each other on Twitter and Utterli as well. I use my pen name rather than my affiliate marketing name as I initially started using these services to promote my book. I'm good with having a ton of blogs but having a ton of microblog profiles too would only drive me over the edge of insanity for certain!
My Twitter profile is and my Utterli profile is
My Facebook profile is
If you'd like to follow each other on these services, go ahead and leave a comment with your Twitter and Utterli profile links and I'll follow you!
To our success!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Magpie Link

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Be A Magpie

Using Be A #Magpie. Its like #Adwords for #Twitter. They put an ad every 5 #Tweets plus one for your #affiliate link at specified intervals.

Mobile post sent by lilystrange using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Animal Welfare

Please consider making a donation to this drive for animal welfare. When you do, please mention my name, Lily Strange, on the donation form, and you will get a free reading. Thank you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Great tunes to download--and promote

Find everything from the latest to obscure stuff that you've been searching for. MP3SALE is the site that has it! Download a whole album worth of tunes for about a buck in many cases. Less expensive than many of the bigger sites and completely legal. Rip CD's for your friends and family. Create mixes they'll love for a one-of-a-kind, low-cost gift that both you and they will appreciate in these tough economic times.

NO spyware or adware. I just got my information back from the last hard drive crash. I wouldn't expose my computer to something that wasn't on the up-and-up. This site rocks!

It's not something you'll get rich doing, but it's legit and they deserve to be promoted. When people see all they can get, this one will sell itself.

For affiliates, the one frustration that you'll encounter is that parts of the site are in Russian and there is no English translation yet. But the site owners will answer any questions that you may have.

I like this one! It's easy to stick a link or banner on your blog or page. And you'll love getting all the great music for yourself--and your loved ones too.

MP3SALE.RU - Destroy The Silence! The Greatest MP3 Archive
Webmasters: Register to become an affiliate

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Monstrous Yuletide

A knight, a Sand Man and a Sand Lugdul declare a truce to celebrate the Yule together

December is a great time to join the beta-test adventure game Dungeons and Treasures. They have plenty of chances to win bonus gold, including their very cool Christmas Coundown calendar. Plus at the end of the month, every gold piece is converted to a penny and put into your account. No, you won't get rich playing Dungeons and Treasures, but it is fun and you do earn actual money when you collect gold and refer others. It's totally free to join. Click the banner below and get in on the ground floor of this great new gaming site. And have a monstrous Yule!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Animal Rights Issue

Hi folks. Survey Slug here with an important animal rights issue. Please take a moment to go sign the petition, and please boycott products from China where possible until this terrible practice is made illegal. Thanks!

Please this will only take 30 seconds of your time..

This is a call for signatures to a petition to help stop the LIVE skinning of cats & dogs. Yes that's right, LIVE... Imagine someone going up to your dog or cat and skinning it live. This is happening today in 2008 in China and it is DISGUSTING.

1) Head to
2) Watch the video to see it for yourself (see warning)
3) Sign the petition

WARNING: The video on that site is EXTREMELY graphic and definitely not for the faint hearted. If you are not the type who appreciates blood & gore, I recommend that you stick to the words on the site.

Please tell everyone.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cooking Made Simple

Here is another of my Lemonade Stands. This one is for people who want good meals for their families but don't have a lot of time to cook. Using helpful tools like the indoor grill, slow cooker, pressure cooker and Dutch oven, you can spend a minimum of time in the kitchen with maximum benefits.
The Lemonade Stand people have thousands of products available for you to build your own lemonade stand. It's free, it's easy, and it's fun. Just click the Lemonade icon in the corner to get started and you can have your own Lemonade Stand or chain of Lemonade Stands that you can put on any site. Or include a link in your emails. It couldn't be more painless!
To your success,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Lemonade Stand

This Lemonade Stand of mine features products for early childhood education, but your Lemonade Stand can feature anything you want it to. Just click where it says "Lemonade" and sign up to get your very own Lemonade Stand. You can even have multiple stands. It's free and lots of fun and you can place Lemonade stands on all of your sites if you wish!
To your success,

Survey and GPT Opportunities

Hey, Folks, Slugster here. Please visit my blog if you're interested in survey and GPT opportunities. It's still fairly new and growing, but if you like it, please bookmark it or link me. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The One Time Offer That Offers So Much

The Jobkiller hates one-time offers, but this is one that you must consider if you want lots and lots of traffic for your program(s) for an affordable price. Listen to everything you get for a ONE TIME charge of $39.95.
Scandinavian Aces offers you a text link exchange, downline builder, and viral link cloaker. Let me explain in a little more detail. You earn points by browsing text ads on the site and clicking on the ads that catch your interest. You text ads will land you guaranteed visitors because of other members viewing your websites linked to your own text ads.
Not only do you get guaranteed traffic, buy you also get to email your direct referrals up to twice a week!
The downline builder offers 40 of the hottest traffic building, list building, and income generating programs on the market.
You are basically building your list, your traffic, your downline and your income...all while earning up to 50% commissions!
You can advertise for free every day.
Or upgrade to Pro and advertise 10 times a day!

Now, you can certainly reap the benefits as a free member, but those who take advantage of the one time offer get so much more besides, including one month of free upgraded memberships to Generalen Traffic Exchange, Traffic Muscles, and Traffic Gigantic. And you get 10,000 points to be used on Free Traffic Bar.

This site is truly one of a kind and I encourage you to join to try it out for yourself! And don't pass up this one time offer. This is the one that will get the hits for your site!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Intellibanners are especially good for people with several opportunities to promote, but are great even if you only have one. Put your banners into the rotation on the websites of all members. Free members can promote 3 banners, paid ($9.95/month) members can promote up to ten. Your own banners are shown 80% of the time and other members' banners are shown the other 20%.
Click below to join Intellibanners.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Win a Traffic Exchange

That's right, you could win Surfing Madness for your own. On January 1, 2009, the owner is giving Surfing Madness away to one of their Gold members. For a limited time, get a $5 Gold upgrade that will last until January of 2009. When the contest ends, half of the money earned will be given to the SPCA, the other half will be split between the #2-10 members of Surfing Madness.
$5 until January 2009 is a pretty good deal for an upgraded membership anyway. Many TE's charge more than that monthly for an upgraded membership.
Click the banner below to have a shot at owning your very own traffic exchange, winning a little money, or both--all the while, showing your program(s) to other surfers.
To your success,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Promoting Dating Sites

The following is a repost from the Adult Affiliate 911 blog. I felt that the information might be useful for affiliates in general and not specific only to adult affiliates.

The following text comes straight from my own webpage on the official Jobkiller's Club site. So I did create it myself, but it isn't original to this blog. is a FREE TO JOIN affiliate program that has the potential to bring in good money with diligence and creativity in promoting. Around here, we like free and big potential money making!

Dating sites are very popular these days. You can even build your own web page to promote several. There is potential for excellent money from promoting such programs. offers material that is "provocative, not pornographic," which makes it safe for all web hosts. They also have more risque sites, such as Adult Friend Finder, that you can promote as well.
Don't have a site? No problem! hosts their own content and provides you with an HTML code including your affiliate ID so you don't have to worry about storage.
When promoting on a traffic exchange, be careful to check their rules. Some exchanges will not allow promotion of any dating sites. Others will allow you to promote a banner but not a web page.
If you would like to create a page and promote more explicit "adult" sites such as Adult Friend Finder (which is owned by be sure you have a host that is adult friendly. After an embarrassing incident of my own trying to promote adult programs and getting my entire account (including non-adult sites) temporarily suspended, I found Host Gator. As long as you aren't promoting kiddie porn (and if you are, this vulture wants to peck your eyes out) Host Gator allows most adult content. Check 'em out. Very affordable, lots of great features, even a site builder for the less HTML proficient among us! I love Host Gator and think you will too.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pre-Launch 4 Income

I have previously mentioned Pre-Launch 4 Income, but some programs merit a reminder. This one is absolutely free to join, and check out the benefits:
The exciting thing about pre-launches is the fact that you can get in on the ground floor of a new opportunity that may be the "next big thing." Now there is a free site that you can join (and promote, if you are an affiliate) that will keep you abreast of new pre-launch opportunities. Join Pre-Launch 4 Income for free today and be in the know about new opportunities to make money before everyone else finds out about them.
To your success,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Exciting New Opportunity ZoomMoola

Zoom Moola is a new downline and list builder. It is only a $20 LIFETIME fee for a pro account. I just upgraded to Pro and I already have 9376 members that I can send mails to. Like other GPT programs, you have to click on ads to earn credits. Unlike other GPT programs, your credits go towards sending your own ads. Pro members earn one sending of their ad per credit. Free members must click 20 ads to be able to send one of their own. Pro members also earn $7 per referral that goes pro. You probably won't get rich doing it, but it's a nice bit of extra money for promoting the program.
Use Zoom Moola in conjunction with Blast 4 Traffic and My List Network for a really nice network of list builders to promote all of your programs. Zoom Moola and Blast 4 Traffic have an affordable lifetime fee of $20 and $34 respectively, while My List Network allows for a Pro account at $19.95 a month.
Promote them all on Zombie Surf, where you can get a LIFETIME Platinum upgrade for just $20. This is one of the best Platinum upgrades out there.
I really love it when I have an opportunity to share programs that provide so much for a nice, affordable price, and today I've had the opportunity to share several. I use them myself and I know they can work to your advantage too!
To your success,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Debt Help Affiliate Websites

Folks, you get $75 just for signing up to be an affiliate. No catch, no joke, it's all free! You just have to promote it and earn commissions.

Untitled Document

How To Explode Your Affiliate Earnings


Any Cash needed? NO

Any Risk: NO

Appropriate for: Newbies, Intermediate, And Advanced


Dear Affiliate Marketer ,

As an affiliate marketer, you are looking for the best way you can create massive ongoing income for you that takes as little time as possible.

Ideally, you can invest a couple of minutes and get paid on it for years.

Learn more by continuing here:

Make Money Giving Away Free Money Making Websites

All you need to do is log in to your account, and let people know about how they can get their own Cash-Pulling Websites.

They are valued at $2,079, but they can get them for nothing for a very limited time.

You make cash when:

1) A person gets a website and upgrades to have their own domain

2) A person upgrades their training materials

3) A webmaster refers their affiliates/customers/visitors to get their own co-branded review sites. You make a 2nd tier commission based on the lifetime commissions of the webmaster you referred.

Sign up right now and get started making some cash!

Make Money Giving Away Free Money Making Websites

To your success!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Shout-Outs

The Cheesemeister Cosmos has a page featuring yours truly! Check it out!
I'd also like to tell you about a new traffic exchange. Magic Blaster Hits features both a manual and auto-surf. Many folks think that autosurfs are useless, but they do increase your hit count which is sometimes favorable when you are signing up for affiliate programs. I actually do look at some of the sites on the autosurfs when I am working with my traffic exchanges. I open 4 traffic exchanges at a time in my Firefox browser and then I go from tab to tab. Obviously with a manual traffic exchange you will see each featured site and must click (or in the case of some of the newer traffic exchanges, hover over) a button to continue to the next site. The autosurf keeps on truckin' to the next site in the meantime. In many ways manual exchanges are preferable but autosurfs are not without their uses. At any rate, Magic Blaster Hits features both. You get 5 URL's, 5 468x60 banners, 5 mini banners and 5 text links as a free member. Pretty nice!
I also wanted to tell my guy friends out there about a company that features natural products for men's health concerns. Check out their page, the Men's Health Zone. The strategically arranged banana and apples will make you laugh, but these products are serious formulations specifically created for the health concerns of men.
Yes, I am an affiliate and yes, I do make 5% off each sale. But guys, I would not be involved if I didn't believe in the kinds of products they sell. I am a firm believer in using natural methods whenever possible. Personally, I can't tolerate most prescription medications. The side effects make life quite miserable. I use natural methods for dealing with my hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, hypertension, and even bipolar disorder. And they do work as well as the prescriptions without the side effects. I've had to experiment with the dosages to find the right ones, but there really are natural methods that do work.
Guys, prescription medications for men's health problems such as erectile dysfunction and prostate issues come with some pretty scary side effects, just like most prescription medications. Sometimes these medications can't be avoided, but all of them are hard on the liver. Some of them can cause a radical drop in blood pressure. Some even have potential life-threatening effects, like stroke. So why not try something natural first? Check out the ingredients in the products and do a little research. I think you will find the ingredients to be very safe. Of course if you have any presenting health concerns, check with your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.
Affiliates, check for the link at the bottom of the page so you can benefit from sharing these products too.
Take care of yourselves.
To your health, happiness and prosperity,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Public service message: protect yourself

The Jobkiller is pretty zapped right now. I just want to give you a link to a website with helpful information about how to avoid being taken by scammers. I don't get anything except hopefully good karma for doing this. Because you can't have a prosperous life if you're being ripped off left and right!
Take care.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Best British Traffic Hacked

One of my favorite traffic exchanges, Best British Traffic, was hacked into and their database was destroyed. If you had been a member of Best British Traffic and can no longer log in, this is why. They have new security measures in place so this can't happen again.
Folks, The Jobkiller cannot abide hackers, scammers and b.s.-ers. The people who run Best British Traffic are decent, honest people and they run a nice exchange. If you are looking for a new exchange to advertise on, give them a go. A lifetime membership is only $14. They offered to re-upgrade me for free but I said I don't mind paying again because as a webmaster myself, I know that it takes a long time to build your site and then there are always hosting fees. That is such a small price for a lifetime and I think paying again in this case is just doing the right thing, at least for me.
Click the banner below to give them a try. I think you'll like them.
Have a prosperous day,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another "Best For Less" Traffic Exchange

Right now, AA Hits is offering a free lifetime Easy Hitter membership for new members. I upgraded to the Heavy Hitter membership. At $4.95 a month, this membership offers a Downline Emailer, 1000 bonus hits monthly, and a Surfing Ratio 1:3. You can promote up to 100 URL's.

You get 1000 banner impressions, and a Banner Ratio of 2:1. You can promote up to 100 banners.

You also get 70 monthly Text Link impressions. The Text Ratio is 2:1 and you can promote up to 100 Text links.

In addition, you get a downline builder for up to 25 programs and a link tracker section for up to 30 links.

I like getting a lot for a little, and AA Hits gives me that. Click the banner below to get your own account and get a lot for a little!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Absolute Secret


Read the letter that I sent to my safelists. You can become an affiliate and promote the Absolute Secret yourself, buy the book and try the techniques outlined therein, or both. If you should decide to buy the book, please use one of the links below to get a $10 discount so you can have it for $17 rather than $27. When you sell the book at full price, you get $11 directly into your account with no waiting. When you sell it for $17 you get $7. You're my peeps, so of course I'm gonna cut you a break! :-)
Purchase here if you don't have a Paypal account.
Purchase here if you do.
The Absolute Secret is one product offered by My Help Hub. When you sign up using the "affiliates" link at the bottom of the main Absolute Secret page, you are also given access to all of My Help Hub's other affiliate opportunities. (Or you can just click one of the My Help Hub links!) Signing up to be an affiliate is completely free.

Here is the letter that I sent to my safelists. It is provided for you on The Absolute Secret affiliate page.
Take advantage of the free affiliate opportunity, and/or buy the book for some helpful information.
Yours in internet marketing success,

Here is the letter.

Dear Fellow Netrepreneur,

I discovered a secret.

It’s a secret that almost every great achiever in the world knows and is now being made available to the rest of us. It’s a little-known technique that’ll enable you to experience success, happiness, WEALTH, and amazing coincidences beyond your wildest dreams.

And that very secret was the subject of numerous books in the early 1900’s, particularly a special long-lost 1926 book. It’s a book that Bill Gates himself studied as a student.

It’s NOT a book about positive thinking, or self-hypnosis, or affirmations, or anything of that sort. This is an actual GENUINE secret, a physical tangible secret that YOU can use to make amazing change in your life – starting today!

This long-lost 1926 book has recently resurfaced in a dusty Scottish attic, and – for the first time ever – is being made available in a special compilation from self-development guru Bradley Thompson.

He calls it The Absolute Secret.

So, exactly what is The Absolute Secret? And how can you use it’s secret powers to make awesome change in your own personal life – starting TODAY?

Let him show you.

Visit the site at to learn more.

Thanks for your time.

Cara Hartley

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fourth My Viral Spiral Video

Follow the link in the email that I sent my safelists at My List Network and Blast 4 Traffic to view the no-obligation video series for the My Viral Spiral product.

Hi Fellow Affiliate Marketer,
Part 4 of the video series, "Five Minutes with Tim", is available.
(You can also get back to parts 1, 2 and 3 with this link.)


Cara Hartley

PS: Be sure to watch this part before the next one comes out...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daily Payday

This is the entry I put on my all-new Official Jobkiller's Club website briefly describing My Daily Payday.

Daily Payday has two levels: Silver (Free) and Gold (Pro)

Silver Member - (Free Member) - You Will Earn 50%

Just for signing up you will receive 50% from everything on the website, including membership payments and products purchased from your links.
Gold Member - (Paid Member) - You Will Earn 100%

As a paid member You Will Earn 100% from your sales on everything from the website.

You get paid instantly, as soon as someone makes a purchase, no waiting weeks or months to receive your affiliate commission checks. As soon as your payment is received, your payment link will automatically activate on the website, allowing you to receive your payments directly into your payment account!

How Payments Work
You make a $20.00 membership payment to the person that signed you up as a member. After you have made a payment to your sponsor, your order button will automatically activate on your webpage, allowing you to receive 100% of the membership payments from members that you sign up.

This membership payment cycle starts over Every Month, month after month... so every day you can receive payments to your account. Every day can be Your Daily Cash Payday!

Daily Payday features several products that you can promote as well as the Daily Payday site itself. For a one-time fee of $20, you have multiple opportunities to make money as an affiliate.

Low cost to join
One time fee
Low Risk

For more detailed information, click the Banner

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Viral Spiral Video 3

Hi everybody,

Part 3 of the video series, "Five Minutes with Tim", is available.

(You can also get back to parts 1 and 2 with this link.)


Cara Hartley

PS: Be sure to watch this part before the next one comes out...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Second My Viral Spiral Video

This letter that I sent to my safelists contains the link to see the second in the My Viral Spiral video series.

Hi Fellow Affiliate Marketers,

Just to let you know - part 2 of the video series, "Five Minutes with Tim", is available.

If you saw the first part in the series, I know you're not going to want to miss this...

If you did miss part one, don't worry, there's a link to it here too:


Cara Hartley

PS: Be sure to watch this part before the next one comes out...

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Adult Site Gateway

Those of you who are adult affiliates or are interested in becoming adult affiliates and those of you who are looking for a hosting company, particularly one that provides a WYSIWYG editor for the less HTML proficient among us, will be interested in seeing the Master Bates Motel webpage, which I designed using the Page Wizard editor that is part of my Host Monster account.
While there are no graphic images on the Master Bates Motel page, there is sexual content in the writing, so if you are under 18 or are offended by such content, please don't look at this page.
I created the Master Bates Motel site as a gateway to the five adult niche sites that I'm currently promoting. These sites were designed by Niche Site Design. If you decide that you are interested in having them create a site or sites for you, tell the owner John that Cara Hartley sent you when you order your sites. I don't get monetary compensation, but it does give me karma points for spreading the word, and that's a good thing too! :-)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Gift for You

Thank you for reading my blog. In return, I'd like to give the gift of fun. I'm an affiliate of Big Fish Games--but don't worry, I'm not asking you to buy anything. Big Fish Games are free. You can download free versions of the games or play them online. You do have the option of purchasing game packages, but you don't have to. The free games are real full versions. Click the banner below to try X-Avenger, or find hundreds of other games. There's no catch--just enjoy!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Using Start Xchange to Your Advantage

Hey folks!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. The Mini URL debacle continues. At first I was breathing a sigh of relief as it seemed that The Mini URL was no longer lost in cyberspace. However, it seems to have winked out again. When you have 50+ links cloaked with a service, it ain't too good if that service suddenly blips out of existence. Perhaps they're experiencing major server problems or something. I don't know, I'm not a tech. All I know is that I can't keep losing leads and sales, so I'm continuing to slowly switch my cloaked links over to Link Brander.
Today I just wanted to take a minute to talk about Start Xchange. I call Start Xchange the "General" in my Traffic Exchange Army. The free service is great, but for only $6.95 a month you can advertise up to 25 URL's and 10 banners. Plus, Start Xchange has something that few other traffic exchanges have: the chance to earn points daily for advertising your Start Xchange link on other traffic exchanges! During this past week I earned 65 points to have my sites displayed on Start Xchange without doing any work at all simply because I advertise my Start Xchange link on all the other traffic exchanges I use. Getting something for nothing is always a positive as far as I'm concerned!
If you aren't already a member, do yourself a favor and join Start Xchange today. Then whenever you join another TE, put your Start Xchange link in first and start earning something for nothing every day!
To your internet marketing success,

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mini URL Drama Continues

The Mini URL is still MIA. I've cloaked so many links using this service! If they don't return, it means hours of work for me to change all the links over to new cloaking services. Fortunately I have most of the original affiliate URL's recorded in a note pad.
I need to get some sleep so I'll have to continue this task later (and hope that the Mini URL service returns in the meantime.) I have switched the links in the two most recent posts to Link Brander. Check out how I cloak my Link Brander affiliate link with Viral URL--slick, huh?
The thing that's really irritating is that I can't switch out the links in the emails I sent to my safelists. I'm going to have to resend the emails using the new link if the Mini URL doesn't reappear. And that's nothing but a pain in the can and a waste of time!
Revisit this post to see why cloaking your URL's is important. Today's lesson is that if you are an affiliate for multiple products like I am, recording both your original affiliate link and the cloaked version is important. Just a plain Notepad file works really well for me. It ain't fancy but it's easy to update and gets the job done!
Have a great day and profitable marketing!
The Cheesemeister

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I hope that The Mini URL returns to service soon. Many of my links are cloaked through this service and it's been down all afternoon. I've never had problems with it before. If it has disappeared into a black hole, I'll have to reset all my links here and in all the traffic exchanges I head will explode. So, let us hope for a swift return of The Mini URL.

My Viral Spiral

You may be interested in making use of this system, or you might be interested in the affiliate opportunity, or both. Click on the link in this copy of the letter I sent to my safelists to check out the video.

Hi fellow affiliate marketer,

If you'd like to make a change to your online fortune, and learn some vital concepts for success... Then I am pleased to make this introduction:

Tim Brocklehurst is an established Internet Marketer based in the UK, with skills in software development and viral marketing.

If you've heard of him, its probably because he tours the world speaking at Internet Marketing conferences.

Anyway, he has released a series of short sharp video presentations to help you gather the concepts and principals to succeed online.

You can watch the first one here: absolutely no cost...

In fact, unlike many *less* informative video courses, ALL parts of this series come at no cost.

These are a great way to learn the principals of how to build your business on the Internet.

Can you do it, or can't you - find out here:

They're short, sharp and to the point.

Hope you enjoy it...

Best wishes

Cara Hartley

PS: Be sure to see this video before the next one comes out...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Water 4 Gas--Free Info

Hey folks,

I love technology, and like many of you I am concerned about the environment and the impact that pollution is having on the world. Recently I discovered this revolutionary idea using a technology that allows a vehicle to run on water instead of gasoline. I have not tried it yet myself but am strongly considering getting the books. If you're thinking that I've been flying around the cyber-badlands of the world of e-commerce too long and have lost my mind, just click the link in the letter that I sent to my safelist members. The information is all free, so you can make an informed decision and see for yourself!
Your friend in Internet marketing,

Hi Guys,

With over 20,000 satisfied customers worldwide and 900 registered manufacturers, Water4Gas is quickly becoming the web's standard for DIY technology to save fuel using WATER!

Water4Gas is running a limited-time Free Gift at
They are offering a 7-day e-mail course so you can learn this in your spare time, daily. This course is normally priced at $49.95 but FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY are giving it away FREE to a limited number of students. (Deadline unknown, may disappear any moment.)

You do NOT have to buy anything or answer any questions!!! I just want you to have this information. Each lesson is easy and short. In about 10 minutes a day you will discover the simplicity and power of using water to clean emissions and save tons of fuel in your car or truck.

Also in this course: ways to MAKE MONEY from this!

If you've been searching for a unique way to SAVE $$$ ON FUEL, grab this free deal - perfect for this time of rising gas costs:

Happy Mileage!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Unless you're more technically savvy than I am...

Don't do this one.
Instant Membership Site Creator
I hate to be negative, but I thought that I'd get a simple affiliate link with my purchase. Instead it's all PHP scripts and I'm scratching my head and am out $12.95

I downloaded the PHP software but haven't a clue in this world how to use it and don't possess the time or the patience to learn how. I'm an affiliate reseller and an amateur webmaster, not a technical guru. What frustrates me further is that I didn't stop to think about the fact that there was no contact address given on the purchase page for the company. If the company itself can't give you a contact address, that's not a good sign. Fair warning to be a little quicker than this old vulture and think things through before making a purchase. $12.95 may not seem like that much, but to me it spells two or three lunches!
Caveat Emptor, folks. It still applies!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Products 4 Profit and Gecko Traffic

Howdy Solks...I mean Folks. Jobkiller here, and I hope you are doing well this afternoon. Today I wanted to show you another of my e-book sites.
Now, those of you who took advantage of the Turnkey E-Book Store may be saying "Jobkiller, you were right about getting a whole bunch of great e-books for a small price, but setting that sucker up is a...word I can't say on this PG-rated blog!" And I agree with you. I'm not the most technically savvy vulture that ever circled the badlands of Internet marketing. The good news is, with this online e-book store, you don't need to have more technical know-how than it takes to fill in your information! The company even hosts the site for you. Check out my store here, then come back to this page. This email that I sent to my safelist contacts will explain things in greater detail. Or if you really like what you see and are itching to get started you can just click this link and get the ball rolling. But I hope you'll come back to this post afterwards, because I have a great new traffic exchange to tell you about too.

Imagine Having An Instant Home Business...

That Pays Money Direct To Your PayPal Account 24/7,

365 Days A Year?

Do not worry - Its not MLM or Gifting Program!

Its a Genuine Business Concept which has never been tested BEFORE!

How would you feel?

- If 100+ top selling websites would go to work for you Everyday!

- These 100+ Top selling sites are loaded with Your Name & Paypal Id!

- You get Payments Directly to your Paypal A/c - No Waiting to get Paid!

- You don't even need to Provide Customer Support!

- You Get Free Downloads of Quality Info Products!

- New Quality info Products Added Every Month!

- Includes Free Web Hosting!

Isn't it amazing? It is...

Go ahead & kick-start your Instant Home Business NOW!

Check out this amazing Concept here:

Of course even the best website can't generate income if no-one knows about it. Try this new traffic exchange that I discovered. Gecko Traffic not only gives you a great surfing experience, they also have weekly and monthly cash prizes. Just click the banner at the bottom to get started for free.

Yours in Internet Marketing success,


A Little Diversion...
The way I greeted you in this post is stolen from the late Shorty Medlocke, grandfather of the great Southern rock legend, Rickey Medlocke. This old vulture loves Southern rock, and Blackfoot was and still is one of the best. The lineup has changed with the times good and bad, but if you love Southern rock like I do, let's take a break from our money-making efforts and enjoy some tunes together.
R.I.P. Jakson Spires
also check out Greg T. Walker's other band, NDN.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Free To Join Program

Check out Rich Mails, then come back and join for free following the instructions in this post. This is a copy of the mail I sent out to my safe list at Blast 4 Traffic, and it is the mail you'll be using should you choose to join. I discovered it through another Blast 4 Traffic member. If you don't yet have a safe list, consider joining Blast 4 Traffic. The lifetime membership fee is just $34. And it works a heck of a lot better than bugging your friends and family!
The Rich Mails program is legit and free to join, but let me expand on some misleading text.
You get $100 credited to your account immediately. You must have $345 in your account before you can request a payout to your Paypal account.

Here is the Rich Mails instruction letter.

$100 just for signing up! $25 per referral! And it's FREE!!

Hello Everybody!
*The COMPANY pays everyone! *
** NO MONEY is paid from person to person.
** THERE ARE NO reports to buy or read.
** YOU don't have to SELL anything!
** YOU get MONEY
(100 bucks!) RIGHT AWAY! It Doesn't Cost you Anything, So Why Not? THIS IS FREE!!!
Get it?
The cost to you is ZERO!!!
You get $100 immediately and YES...
I CHECKED MY ACCOUNT FIRST BEFORE I sent out this message!
With a small amount of effort, you can in fact make THOUSANDS!!



STEP #1: Listed below are three sign-up URLs & email
addresses. Sign Up with Rich Mail under the first ID
and you'll get $100 just for
Joining. IT'S FREE!


STEP #2: Send a Blank E-mail to the third person on the
list with the Subject line: "I signed up under #1."

STEP #3: Copy this info; delete the #1 person,
Move The Other Two Up Then Insert YOUR Information (*Make
Sure You Place YOUR New URL and YOUR
email address) Into The #3 Position.

STEP#4: Now, send this letter to as many people as you can
until YOU receive 6 emails saying, "I signed up under # 1".
That's it, only 6 responses, not 9, or 10 or 20...just 6!

This puts $350.00 into your PayPal account.
If you don't have a PayPal
account, go to the website and
get one:
When your address gets to the #1 position, you will have 150
people Signed up under you! You only need 6 to make this work!!
Not bad, but it's ONLY the beginning. A short, (very short) time
later, each of those 150 people will have 150 people signed
up under them, and so on.
After the 3rd Level is done you are IN THE MONEY! Rich Mail
pays YOU for everyone that subscribes UNDER you...and it
adds up fast! (They make their money from their advertisers.)

Calculation of Earnings:
YOU sign up = $100.00
Your Personal sign ups - 6 x $25 = $150.00
First Level - 36 x $25 = $900.00
Second Level - 1296 x $25 = $32,400.00
Third Level - 46656 x $4 = $186,624.00
You're total earnings - $220,174.00 for signing up 6!
Not bad for 15 minutes work don't you agree?
Cost to You: NOTHING but the 15 minutes to make this happen!

Here Is The List:





IMPORTANT! A word or caution: "IF YOU CHEAT, YOU LOSE." This
must cycle through all 3 levels to work. Why not try
it...just for the heck of it.
You have nothing to lose, and a LOT of money to gain.
You can send it as an email with this subject line:
Subject: $100 just for signing up! $25 per referral! And
it's FREE!!

To OUR Mutual Success,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pay Per Post

As some of you may have noticed, I have a couple of Pay Per Post banners in my sidebar now. I used to do some write-ups for Pay Per Post on an old blog but kind of got out of the habit. Although this is an e-commerce blog, I don't want it to turn into one of those horrid blogs where the only thing you find is paid writing. To me, that would be like reading a magazine that was nothing but ads. (Although I could swear some of them are mostly ads with a few articles thrown in for filler.) The products and services I feature in my posts are featured because I actually like them and think they can be of use to other entrepreneurs. I don't like to knock things and usually try to see the good. If I don't like something, chances are I won't write about it at all unless I think it may be an out and out scam, in which case I will feel that it's my duty to warn others.
So while you may occasionally see a sponsored post here in the future, I will state outright that it is a sponsored post. While I'm not going to lie when doing a sponsored post, I feel differently when I'm creating one. Basically, I'm creating an ad in the form of a critique. While it may appear that this is what I already do, I don't feel like it is. My uncompensated posts are opinions and advice, not advertisements. If one of the services I'm recommending has ready-made text for email or newsletter use, I will at times cut and paste that. By nature I'm a creative writer rather than a business writer and I often feel that others do a better job than me at creating business text, so if I think someone else has managed to describe a product or service better, than by all means, I will use their words instead of my own.
What I'm really trying to say is that I promise that this will not turn into an advertising blog even though I may sometimes include sponsored posts and that I will continue offering my real, honest thoughts regarding affiliate programs and advertising sources to help my fellow internet marketers along. When I find something that works and is affordable, I will let you know. If it costs and arm and a leg, I'm not going to join and I'm not going to use smoke, mirrors, and smooth words to get you to join. In fact, I'm going to tell you to run away as quickly as possible.
If you have a product or service you'd like me to critique, please click the "hire me" button in the sidebar. I promise to be honest but not brutal. Personally, I hate nasty criticism, but when I've received helpful criticism I've always appreciated it whether I used it or not. I never would want to cut anyone down and make them feel like giving up on their dreams. But if I see a way they can make their site more appealing to potential customers, I'll call it like I see it. It costs $5 to receive a write-up. Admissibly this blog doesn't yet get tons of exposure, but every little bit helps.
If you think you'd be interested in becoming a "postie" (a blogger who writes sponsored posts) click here to find out more.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Best British Traffic

Hello Jobkillers Club Members,

I know that Cheesemeister mentioned a little about Best British Traffic in the previous post, but I just can't say enough good things about this lovely new traffic exchange, so let me expand a bit.

Most of you probably use traffic exchanges and there are many great ones to choose from. Upgrading your membership gives you advantages such as your ad being shown more often for less surfing. But monthly membership fees can become a burden for those just starting out in internet marketing, who may be on a limited budget.

That's why I am wild about Best British Traffic. There is a great free membership option that allows you to promote up to 5 URL's. This is perfect for the marketer who has only a few programs to promote. But for those who are involved with more than a few programs, there is a great upgrade that allows you to promote up to 20 URL's for just $10.95 per year. And for those like me who are affiliates for a lot of programs, there is a really special option. Just $14.95 a year allows you to promote up to 50 URL's. Remember, these are yearly, not monthly fees. Even the tightest budget can make room for options this good and this inexpensive!

Just click the banner below to join me at Best British Traffic. You won't be sorry!

Yours in Internet Marketing Success,

Turnkey E-Book Store

I just ordered my own. The basic package is only $7. For this price you get the store and your affiliate link. You'll need a place to host your store, and I recommend Host Monster. If you click the link, you can read my previous review of my beloved hosting company.
Back to the e-book store. For $7 you get customizable templates, the ability to add your own products, and earning capabilities from Amazon, Adsense, and your own affiliate links as well as the books. You also get four nice bonus programs.
Should you choose to sign up, you will be given a one-time offer for $37. Personally, I loathe one time offers. Many people are just starting out and are on a limited budget. Why not let them upgrade at their leisure? One time offers make me feel like I'm at a used car lot with a pushy salesperson in a bad suit with bad teeth trying to sell me on a car that I really don't want but which will make him or her a bigger commission. However, I had to admit that you get a heck of a lot of bang for your buck with this one-time offer. You get seven audio books, six videos, four home study courses, and some extra internet marketing programs. You can use all of these yourself and resell them in creative ways as well. I'm still in the process of downloading everything as I write this. In this case, the one-time offer is worth it. I'm actually looking forward to listening to the audio series and exploring the training courses.
I also wanted to recommend a new traffic exchange. Best British Traffic allows you to promote 5 URL's for free, 20 on a gold membership for $10.95 a year, or 50 on a Platinum membership, which is just $14.95 for a year. That's a year, not a month like some exchanges. I have upgraded to Platinum. Click the banner below to check them out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blast 4 Traffic

Hi Folks, Jobkiller here with another easy and affordable list building method for you. Email is still one of the most direct and powerful methods of marketing today. There are potentially millions of buyers willing to purchase your product or service. You will be mailing using a simple one click web mailer which sends mail through Blast 4 Traffic's servers. You can advertise just about anything. You can advertise many businesses, products or opportunities.

Send your ad to over 2.3 million recipients with each blast. Blast 4 Traffic provides everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad.

Pay once for a lifetime membership at $34.50

No, it's not my favorite price (FREE, of course) but $34.50 for a LIFETIME ain't bad!
Get all your upgrades at no extra cost.

The Ultimate in Internet Marketing! Enjoy this super value by clicking the link below.

Your friend in e-commerce success,

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Death of Email Marketing

While my favorite price is free, this informative report isn't much over that. At only $1 you can have the exclusive report entitled The Death of Email Marketing, plus resale rights and your own affiliate link so you can make commission selling this special report to others.

The report was written by Romell Weekly, the creator of My List Network, and while it does promote My List Network at the end, it also provides nearly 35 pages of interesting and useful informaton that will be of interest to anyone who uses safelists or is thinking about using safelists. Romell is certainly an expert on the subject while someone like myself is simply a striving netrepreneur still trying to figure out which tools work best for them. Besides, a buck for 35 pages of useful information is not a bad price. Plus you get to resell the report with your own affiliate link and keep 100% commission. While $1 doesn't seem like much, when you get a few of them popping into your Paypal account it certainly doesn't hurt! If you do not yet have a Paypal account you really have to get one if you are going to work in the internet marketing game. And a Paypal account is yours at my favorite price--that's right, FREE.

Speaking of My List Network, I like its features well enough that I have upgraded to Pro for $19.95 a month. As someone on a limited budget, I really need to see the value in something to pay $19.95 a month. My List Network gives me that value. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme but a real marketing tool that will build in value for you over time. Plus, you can try it at my favorite price and then decide for yourself whether it is worthwhile for you to upgrade. And it comes with the ability to promote as an affiliate as well.

Don't forget to cloak your affiliate links and protect your commissions (as well as creating an extra avenue for earning commissions) with Viral URL, which is also yours at my favorite price. Read my write-up of Viral URL here, or just click here to get started with it right away.

Yours in marketing success,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Own A Quality Niche Web Store Free?

Come now, you say. How good can a free web store be? And isn't this one of those free trial things where a month later you'll be paying out the fan-dango for hosting fees?
The answer is, a free web store can be great if you host with Zlio. They never ask for one dime, and it isn't one of those cases where you can get a half-baked web store if you're a free member and only have a good one if you're paying cash you haven't yet had an opportunity to earn for hosting. Because the straight dope is that most store owners will not start seeing profit until they've been aggressively promoting their site for at least two years, regardless of how good the quality of your products or website.
Zlio offers only free web stores. And they give you access to thousands of products so you never have to worry about being able to offer the best. Plus their store creator software is easy to use so you don't have to be a web programming genius to be able to understand it.
Check out my Zlio store, Varietea. If you think you'd be interested in becoming a web store owner with Zlio, there is a box in the left side bar that says "create your online shop in five minutes." Then you can either click "more info" or "create my Zlioshop."
Of course you can feel free to buy some tea or a fine quality teapot as well while you're visiting!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Value of Pre-Launches and a New Traffic Exchange

I wish I'd known the value of pre-launches when I made my tentative start in the world of affiliate marketing a couple of years ago. Have you ever wished you'd been in on MySpace or Skype from the get-go? You could be one of their top affiliates, raking in some nice residual cash for promoting them. Well, now there's a program you can join to keep you on top of new pre-launches, and your membership fee is my favorite price:
Join Pre-Launch 4 Income now and check out all the insider tips. I've paid for a lot of e-books and they could easily charge for this service, but they don't. I'd probably better shut up before they get ideas and then everyone who didn't join while it was free will be after my head!
A great new traffic exchange that I discovered to promote your affiliate programs on is Teddy Bear Traffic. In spite of the cute name, they really deliver the goods. Promote loads of URL's even on a free account and upgrade to Pro for just $12.95 a year.
I recommend trying Pre-Launch 4 Income and Teddy Bear Traffic now. I think you'll really appreciate these two services.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Commission Thieves

My, but I must be the most naive little vulture in the affiliate marketing game! When I heard that there were people out there who stole other affiliates' commisions by using the affiliate identification number provided in the link to most affiliate programs, I was disgusted, and more than a little worried. I can hope all I want that these clowns will be hit by a pie truck, but it may or may not happen. In the meantime, us honest affiliates have to find a real world way to protect ourselves. Viral URL provides a way not only to cloak your link but to advertise your programs through them at the same time. You can sign up at my favorite cost--FREE! They do have an upgrade, but you can remain a free member for as long as you choose. I have been using Viral URL for a couple of weeks now. I still have to go into TE Toolbox and cloak several affiliate links.
Viral URL gives another advantage--it shortens the ugly, long affiliate URL's. And don't forget about the free advertising you get when you join! Just click the banner below to get started.

Next Step,
Make Sure To Turbo Charge Your Marketing

by clicking the link below. This is the system that

allowed me to exponentially increase my success online.

Click Here to continue...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

For Affiliate Marketers who promote Adult Products and Sites

I'm someone who does have adult products and sites as part of what I promote, and it can be tricky finding places to promote such things. Most traffic exchanges don't permit adult or casino sites. One that allows adult sites is Cozy Studio, which is part of the Cozy Frog family. You can promote 5 sites on a free Cozy Studio account. I'm going to upgrade to a Pro account, which costs $79.95 per year and allows 100 sites and banners.
Link Referral also allows adult sites. You can promote one site on a free account and have to surf sites to get traffic. You can also get traffic by referring new members. A pro account is $49.95.

Blog offering advice to adult affiliate marketers plus sharing erotic videos, fantasies and stories

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blog Upp

Blog Upp is a new blog promotion service, and it's the easiest one of the lot. You don't have to register or go through a rigorous approval process or put a bunch of code on your blog. You just type in your URL, a simple piece of code is generated for you, and you get a widget like the one at the bottom of the post.
If you look in my sidebar you will see that I also use Feedburner, which of course has the advantage of being a subscription service. But when adding Feedburner components to a blog, I reckon on it taking a lot of time. I use Blog Rush on some blogs, but they rejected this one, and I'm not certain why. I give them a link because they do allow me to use their service on some of my other blogs, but...go figure.
I liked how easy Blog Upp was to use. And I like that you don't have to register. This puts them way up on my list, along with Feedjit. They provide a useful tool and make it easy for a person to use it. What could be nicer?
Here is the Blog Upp widget. Also, look for it in my sidebar.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Traffic Digger

This completely free, viral traffic system allows you to promote one of your programs. Then you can promote your Traffic Digger URL on a traffic exchange. As always, I recommend Start Xchange, one of the most user-friendly exchanges out there. But there is no limit to the number of traffic exchanges you can sign up for and promote your Traffic Digger URL (or just about anything else) on. Traffic Tornado gives you a great list of traffic exchanges to pick and choose from. You can also promote your Traffic Digger URL on Google adwords or other PPC programs, thus potentially building your Traffic Digger downline AND promoting your product.
Click the banners below to sign up for Traffic Digger, and then click the Traffic Tornado banner to get started with some excellent traffic exchanges. May I recommend Start Xchange, Max Traffic Pro, Magnify Traffic and Traffic Swarm as great starting places.
I wish you happy and successful promoting and am committed to finding you the best free and cheap resources to help you on your way.

Free online advertising

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Web Hosting: Host Monster

You may be wanting to start a website for your new affiliate business or personal page. There are free web hosts, but if you want to have more control and not have all of your pages with links advertising your web host, you need a real domain host. I do use Host Monster for many of my sites, and it is very good at only $6.95 per month. You can add unlimited domains and your first domain is free for life. You can also join their free affiliate program and get $65 commission on every new customer that comes to them through your link. Very cool! Yes, I will stick with Host Monster.
However, there is one complaint that I have about Host Monster, and that complaint involves their Web Page Wizard. Page Wizard is better than many WYSIWYG design programs, but my overall rating of it is two out of five vacuums. In other words, it sucks. However, I do not have the funds at this time to buy either Dream Weaver or pay a web designer, and I really didn't care for Front Page, although I may give it another shot.
Here are the things that I don't like about Page Wizard.
You can't go in and change the HTML. It won't save. You can change the page HTML from file manager, but it won't transfer to Page Wizard.
Page Wizard does not support Javascript. Come the hell into the 21st century already!
In spite of the half-assed nature of Page Wizard, Host Monster is an excellent hosting company. Click the banner to check them out.

Friday, March 14, 2008

List Joe, the Super List Builder

While everything that I said about My List Network in this previous post still holds true, I've found an easy-to-use list builder that I like even better, and that list builder is List Joe. List Joe is free to join and there are upgraded accounts available. As well as being able to email hundreds of people once a week on a free account, you are given access to a great downline builder that comes with the benefit of giving you access to even more great list builders. There is really nothing that I've found that's quite as easy or user-friendly as List Joe. The member's area is packed with marketing tools including suggestions for E-zine ads, safelist advertising, PPC ads and so much more. Did I mention that it's FREE for all these great tools? This is not a trial price--you can be a free member for as long as you want, or you can upgrade anytime.
I find that I really like using My List Network and List Joe together. Whether you are new to list building or a seasoned netrepreneur, they are a winning combination!
Click the button below to join me in utilizing the greatest list building tool on the Internet.

Click here to build multiple mailing lists for free.