Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Products 4 Profit and Gecko Traffic

Howdy Solks...I mean Folks. Jobkiller here, and I hope you are doing well this afternoon. Today I wanted to show you another of my e-book sites.
Now, those of you who took advantage of the Turnkey E-Book Store may be saying "Jobkiller, you were right about getting a whole bunch of great e-books for a small price, but setting that sucker up is a...word I can't say on this PG-rated blog!" And I agree with you. I'm not the most technically savvy vulture that ever circled the badlands of Internet marketing. The good news is, with this online e-book store, you don't need to have more technical know-how than it takes to fill in your information! The company even hosts the site for you. Check out my store here, then come back to this page. This email that I sent to my safelist contacts will explain things in greater detail. Or if you really like what you see and are itching to get started you can just click this link and get the ball rolling. But I hope you'll come back to this post afterwards, because I have a great new traffic exchange to tell you about too.

Imagine Having An Instant Home Business...

That Pays Money Direct To Your PayPal Account 24/7,

365 Days A Year?

Do not worry - Its not MLM or Gifting Program!

Its a Genuine Business Concept which has never been tested BEFORE!

How would you feel?

- If 100+ top selling websites would go to work for you Everyday!

- These 100+ Top selling sites are loaded with Your Name & Paypal Id!

- You get Payments Directly to your Paypal A/c - No Waiting to get Paid!

- You don't even need to Provide Customer Support!

- You Get Free Downloads of Quality Info Products!

- New Quality info Products Added Every Month!

- Includes Free Web Hosting!

Isn't it amazing? It is...

Go ahead & kick-start your Instant Home Business NOW!

Check out this amazing Concept here:

Of course even the best website can't generate income if no-one knows about it. Try this new traffic exchange that I discovered. Gecko Traffic not only gives you a great surfing experience, they also have weekly and monthly cash prizes. Just click the banner at the bottom to get started for free.

Yours in Internet Marketing success,


A Little Diversion...
The way I greeted you in this post is stolen from the late Shorty Medlocke, grandfather of the great Southern rock legend, Rickey Medlocke. This old vulture loves Southern rock, and Blackfoot was and still is one of the best. The lineup has changed with the times good and bad, but if you love Southern rock like I do, let's take a break from our money-making efforts and enjoy some tunes together.
R.I.P. Jakson Spires
also check out Greg T. Walker's other band, NDN.