Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mini URL Drama Continues

The Mini URL is still MIA. I've cloaked so many links using this service! If they don't return, it means hours of work for me to change all the links over to new cloaking services. Fortunately I have most of the original affiliate URL's recorded in a note pad.
I need to get some sleep so I'll have to continue this task later (and hope that the Mini URL service returns in the meantime.) I have switched the links in the two most recent posts to Link Brander. Check out how I cloak my Link Brander affiliate link with Viral URL--slick, huh?
The thing that's really irritating is that I can't switch out the links in the emails I sent to my safelists. I'm going to have to resend the emails using the new link if the Mini URL doesn't reappear. And that's nothing but a pain in the can and a waste of time!
Revisit this post to see why cloaking your URL's is important. Today's lesson is that if you are an affiliate for multiple products like I am, recording both your original affiliate link and the cloaked version is important. Just a plain Notepad file works really well for me. It ain't fancy but it's easy to update and gets the job done!
Have a great day and profitable marketing!
The Cheesemeister