Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Animal Rights Issue

Hi folks. Survey Slug here with an important animal rights issue. Please take a moment to go sign the petition, and please boycott products from China where possible until this terrible practice is made illegal. Thanks!

Please this will only take 30 seconds of your time..

This is a call for signatures to a petition to help stop the LIVE skinning of cats & dogs. Yes that's right, LIVE... Imagine someone going up to your dog or cat and skinning it live. This is happening today in 2008 in China and it is DISGUSTING.

1) Head to
2) Watch the video to see it for yourself (see warning)
3) Sign the petition

WARNING: The video on that site is EXTREMELY graphic and definitely not for the faint hearted. If you are not the type who appreciates blood & gore, I recommend that you stick to the words on the site.

Please tell everyone.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cooking Made Simple

Here is another of my Lemonade Stands. This one is for people who want good meals for their families but don't have a lot of time to cook. Using helpful tools like the indoor grill, slow cooker, pressure cooker and Dutch oven, you can spend a minimum of time in the kitchen with maximum benefits.
The Lemonade Stand people have thousands of products available for you to build your own lemonade stand. It's free, it's easy, and it's fun. Just click the Lemonade icon in the corner to get started and you can have your own Lemonade Stand or chain of Lemonade Stands that you can put on any site. Or include a link in your emails. It couldn't be more painless!
To your success,